November 10, 2011


CrossFit Total

November 9, 2011


500m row max effort
Box jump for height, work up to your 1RM
Bench press, work up to 1RM

November 8, 2011


1 mile max effort
Work up to 1 RM of ground to overhead anyway you can

November 7, 2011

It's BENCHMARK week!!!


Max push ups in 1 minute
Max sits up in 1 minute
Max consecutive pull ups or seconds held on bar.

November 5, 2011

Bear Complex
5 rounds with 7 reps of the following sequence (bar doesn't go down until all movements are complete)

November 4, 2011


Back squat

November 3, 2011

1x around w/ plate  #45/25
20 Back extensions (supermans)
3 rounds

November 2, 2011


20 double unders
15 hollow rocks
10 KB swings

AMRAP 10 mins

November 1, 2011

"2011 Games WOD"

5 rope climbs
5 clean and jerk
4 rope climbs
4 clean and jerk
3 rope climbs
3 clean and jerk
2 rope climbs
2 clean and jerk
1 rope climb
1 clean and jerk
Pick a heavy but doable weight