September 1, 2011

What a way to start the month and it is a Thursday.  What's the big deal? Attendance on Thursdays evening classes have always been low.  Tonight, Travis was back for the 7:00 p.m. class.  Both classes did great tonight!!!

Warm Up:
100m row
10 Thrusters
10 Good Mornings
10 Pass Throughs

WOD 1:
400m run
Remainder of the time AMRAP of:
10 push-ups
15 squats
Rest 2 min

WOD 2:
50m lunges
Remainder of the time AMRAP of:
10 DB Push Press
15 Supermans
Rest 2 min

WOD 3:
50 DU’s / 250 SU’s
Remainder of the time AMRAP of:
10 box jumps
15 sit-ups

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