What is Paleo?!

I get that question every time I am out with friends and tell them what diet I am on. Here is my condensed version of what Paleo is so next time if someone asks, you'll be able to give them a little insight into your diet.

Paleo is the missing link in your journey to getting the RESULTS you want. Paleo will change everything. Let me simplify it for you. Most people work out 5 times a week at the most; now even if you only eat 3 meals a day with no snacks, you will eat 21 times a week. What will affect your body more? 5 or 21?

Paleo is nothing processed. It comes from the Paleolithic era where the hunter-gatherer had to eat hunted meats and gathered vegetation. There was no bread, sugars and pastas that the modern world has brought us. We are just eating what our ancestors ate and what our bodies are meant to breakdown. So instead of having to waste energy on breaking down processed foods, our body uses the most natural fuel thus giving us more energy and better RESULTS.

Here are the Basics of Paleo do's and don'ts

Green light:

Lean meats (ideally, grass-fed, free-range)



Nuts and seeds

Some fruits (has natural sugars)

Off limits:



Legumes (no peanuts, since they're a legume)

Grains (no corn)

Starch (no potatoes)

The key to it all is to pay attention to how your body feels when you consume each food. Remember this is just a guide. Helpful information is everywhere on the internet.

Here are some links to get you jump started!











There is a plethora of info.

Let me know if you're overwhelmed or need some easy recipes. Remember we are a community and to share our experiences!

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