Warm Up:
Lunge to elbow
Frog jump
5 Pry squats
5 pull ups
5 V-ups
1x around
Chest to Deck 5k
At every light on the way out, 10 push ups
At every light on the way back, 10 burpees
R on Sunset
L on Cavallo
L on Tregallas
R on Hillcrest (LIGHT)
(LIGHT) along Hillcrest
Continue on Deer Valley (LIGHT at Davison/Hillcrest)
(LIGHT) at intersection to turn into Safeway
Turn around at Wildflower (LIGHT)
50 push ups out
40 burpees back (Wildflower turn around point only counts once, so 40)
Come back same way
Once back, 90 sit ups, then call time.
For time