November 10, 2011


CrossFit Total

November 9, 2011


500m row max effort
Box jump for height, work up to your 1RM
Bench press, work up to 1RM

November 8, 2011


1 mile max effort
Work up to 1 RM of ground to overhead anyway you can

November 7, 2011

It's BENCHMARK week!!!


Max push ups in 1 minute
Max sits up in 1 minute
Max consecutive pull ups or seconds held on bar.

November 5, 2011

Bear Complex
5 rounds with 7 reps of the following sequence (bar doesn't go down until all movements are complete)

November 4, 2011


Back squat

November 3, 2011

1x around w/ plate  #45/25
20 Back extensions (supermans)
3 rounds

November 2, 2011


20 double unders
15 hollow rocks
10 KB swings

AMRAP 10 mins

November 1, 2011

"2011 Games WOD"

5 rope climbs
5 clean and jerk
4 rope climbs
4 clean and jerk
3 rope climbs
3 clean and jerk
2 rope climbs
2 clean and jerk
1 rope climb
1 clean and jerk
Pick a heavy but doable weight

September 1, 2011

What a way to start the month and it is a Thursday.  What's the big deal? Attendance on Thursdays evening classes have always been low.  Tonight, Travis was back for the 7:00 p.m. class.  Both classes did great tonight!!!

Warm Up:
100m row
10 Thrusters
10 Good Mornings
10 Pass Throughs

WOD 1:
400m run
Remainder of the time AMRAP of:
10 push-ups
15 squats
Rest 2 min

WOD 2:
50m lunges
Remainder of the time AMRAP of:
10 DB Push Press
15 Supermans
Rest 2 min

WOD 3:
50 DU’s / 250 SU’s
Remainder of the time AMRAP of:
10 box jumps
15 sit-ups

August 31, 2011

Today 5:00 p.m. class

Warm Up:
25 Jumping Jacks
10 Shoulder Rolls (Foward/Back each arm)
10 Squats

Bench Press

5 Burpee Pull Ups
10 V-Ups
50m run
AMRAP in 10 minutes

Nice job Kim and Alysia!!
Yes, it was ladies night at Antioch CrossFit!!  Two guys showed up later for the 7:00 p.m. class.  But the ladies have been running the gym lately.

6:00 p.m. Ladies

Warm Up:
20 T's Y's and W's
20 jumping jacks
2 wall walks
4 samson stretch
2 rounds

Mobility work

Box Jumps
Push Ups (hand release)
Finish with 50 Double Unders

Ahhhhh....WOD done!!!
7:00 p.m. Ladies

August 29, 2011

Warm Up:
10 T-Pushups
10 Good Mornings (PVC)
10 Pass Throughs (PVC)
10 Downward to Upward Dog
2 rounds

5x65% of max

4 Rounds for Time:
20 KB SDHP 53/35
20 KB Swings 53/35
20 Wall Ball

August 25, 2011

Wall Ball Shots
Sit Ups

August 24, 2011

Warm Up:
10 Partner Wall Ball
5 Kick up to handstand
5 squats (6 sec/regular/jump)
5 KB Swings
5 Box Jumps
10 PVC Pass Throughs

Shoulder Press

7 push ups
3 deadlift (#225/#155)
7 toes to bar
1x around sm. bld
10 min. AMRAP

August 23, 2011

Warm Up:
5 T-Push Ups
Bear crawl
Ass to grass
Inch worm

Double Under or Handstand skill work

50 Dbl Unders
5 DB Thrusters (#45/25)
40 Dbl Unders
10 DB Thrusters
30 Dbl Unders
15 DB Thrusters
20 Dbl Unders
20 DB Thrusters
10 Dbl Unders
25 DB Thrusters

August 22, 2011

Warm Up:
Lunge to elbow
10 Pass throughs
10 bar swings
5 med ball cleans
10 OH squats
1x around w/ med ball

Overhead Squat

20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65)
10 Burpees (jump over bar)
3 Rounds

August 19, 2011

The Chief
AMRAP in 3 min of:
3 Power Cleans 95/135
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute
5 Rounds

August 18, 2011

Warm Up:
Lunge to elbow
Frog jump
5 Pry squats
5 pull ups
5 V-ups
1x around

Chest to Deck 5k
At every light on the way out, 10 push ups
At every light on the way back, 10 burpees
R on Sunset
L on Cavallo
L on Tregallas
R on Hillcrest (LIGHT)
(LIGHT) along Hillcrest
Continue on Deer Valley (LIGHT at Davison/Hillcrest)
(LIGHT) at intersection to turn into Safeway
Turn around at Wildflower (LIGHT)
50 push ups out
40 burpees back (Wildflower turn around point only counts once, so 40)
Come back same way
Once back, 90 sit ups, then call time.
For time

August 17, 2011

Warm Up:
10 pass throughs
5 box jumps
10 OH squats
100m row
5 wall ball

Row 500m
Max effort x2

"Fittest Class"
As a class, complete as much as possible in 20 minutes.
Each exercise completed in full is 1 point.
Then add all points together and divide by number of people in class.
25 push ups (hand release)
25 box jumps
25 KB SDHP 70/53
25 OH walking lunges (45/25 plate)
25 KB swings (70/53)
25 V-ups
15 Wall balls (20/15)
15 Toes to bar
15 Pull ups
15 Ring dips (shoulder MUST touch ring)
15 Burpees
10 HSPU (head touches floor)
10 Muscle ups

August 16, 2011

Warm Up:
Bear crawl (mats)
Lunges (mats)
5 ass to grass
6 t-push ups
5 burpees

5 x 3

10 Burpees
50m run
10 Pull ups
5 rounds
200 double unders

August 15, 2011

Warm Up:
20 jumping jacks
10 bar swings
10 air squats
20 singles

Hang squat clean skill work

10 Hang Squat Clean
20 Box jumps
400m run
3 rounds

August 11, 2011

Warm Up:
1x running jump rope
frog jump
10 hand release push ups
High knees
Butt kickers
Side to side
Hip openers

AMRAP 3 minutes
5 Thrusters 95/65
5 SDHP 95/65
1 minute rest
AMRAP 3 minutes
5 Box jump overs (jump to top, over and back = 1)
5 OH Squats 95/65
1 minute rest, repeat above
2 times through

August 10, 2011

Warm Up:
1x around sm. building
5 kick up to handstand
5 downwards dog
10 sit ups
10 supermans

Run 800m
10 Deadlifts #185/135
28 Squats
10 Pull Ups
28 Double unders
10 Burpees
28 Sit Ups
Run 400m
2 Rounds

August 9, 2011

Warm Up:
Broad jump
10 ball slams
10 air squats
10 strict press
10 push press
10 push jerk

Strict press
3 x 3
Push Press
3 x 2
Push Jerk
3 x 1

"20 somethings"
Box jumps
Pull ups
Goblet squats 53/35
Toes to bar
KB swings 53/35
Thusters 45
For time

August 8, 2011

Warm Up:
5 wall squats
lunge to elbow
5 pry squat w/ kb
Band chest stretch
100m row

Work up to Back squat weight for WOD below

3-5 Back squats
Rest 30 seconds
Max reps push-ups
Rest 3 minutes
5 rounds
30 double unders
50m run
20 sit ups
3 rounds

August 6, 2011

Warm Up:
Warm Up:
10 Dbl unders
Duck Walk
10 Swivel Kicks (front and side)
Samson Stretch (12 Seconds)
Wrist Mobility

5 weighted lunge (45/25)
10 Handstand Pushups
15 Front Squats (95/65)
30 Double Unders
5 rounds

August 4, 2011

Ring Dips

5 minute AMRAP
5 Burpees
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (55/35 DB/KB)
Rest 90 seconds
5 minute AMRAP
5 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
10 KB Swings (55/35)
Rest 90 seconds
5 minute AMRAP
5 Squats
10 Lateral Jumps (left right equals 1) paralet

August 3, 2011

Front Squats

then Max L-Sit
3 attempts

August 2, 2011

Hand stands

Deadlifts (155/115)
Box Jumps (24/20)

August 1, 2011

Warm Up:
25 dbl unders
10 kb swing (35/25)
10 pass throughs
10 downward dogs


5 Power Cleans (#135/#95)
10 Toes To Bar
15 Wallballs
AMRAP in 15

Reminder!! No morning classes next week and class time change

Just a reminder that there won't be any morning classes next week since Matt will be out of town.  Then starting July 6th the morning class time will be changed to 7:00 a.m.

July 18, 2011

When I found out that there was a mile for time coming up, I presented a challenge to my son Bryce that if he beat our trainer Matt Chavez or came in under 6 minutes then we would buy him the Fit bike that he has been wanting for quite some time now. 

Well that must have stirred up the challenge that was presented to all of us on Saturday morning.  Allan announced that the men that came in under 5 minutes and the ladies that came in under 6 would win $100.00.  Several members PRd including Matt who came in under 5 minutes and won $100.  Congratulations to everyone that PRd!!!  You really ran your butts off and yes there was a WOD to be done after!!

Warm Up:
2x around the small bldg.
Jog length
Side to Site widths
Backwards run length

1 mile for time

WOD:5 push ups (hand release at the bottom)
10 Sit up
15 Squats
AMRAP in 20 min.

Antioch CrossFit's Nutrition Talk

Matt gave a 45 minute nutrition talk on Friday covering Paleo, Zone and Eating Clean.  We were very pleased with the turn out and our members were given a hint that a challenge would be coming soon! 

July 16, 2011

Warm Up:5 T-Push Ups
Bear crawl
Ass to grass
Inch worm

WOD:5 Handstand Push Ups
10 Med Ball Cleans
15 KB Swings
AMRAP in 15 min.

Indian Run
4 Laps
Warm Up:
Bear Crawl
Crab Walk
Spiderman Push Ups


WOD:25 push ups
25 box jumps
25 super mans
25 squats
25 burpees
25 hollow rocks
25 lunges
25 sit ups
25 double unders

10 min cap

June 14, 2011

Warm Up:5 - Suck Movement #1
10 - Suck Movement #2
15 - Suck Movement #3
**If Rowing 250m at the beginning or end
2 rounds

WOD:10 Front Squats (#95/#65)
15 Box Jumps
1x sm bldg
4 Rounds

June 13, 2011

Warm Up:
10 Partner Wall Ball
5 Kick up to handstand
5 Squats (6 sec/regular/jump)
5 KB Swings
5 Box Jumps
10 PVC Pass Throughs

Row 20 calories
30 Burpees
40 Two-arm dumbbell ground-to-overhead (45/35lb DBs)
50 Toes to bar
100 foot Overhead walking lunge (45/25lb plate)
150 foot Sprint
For time

June 11, 2011

Pre-Warm Up:
Run length sm. bldg
Side to side width
Run backwards length
Side to side width


Obstacle Course Team Warm Up

Decline Push Ups
DB Push Press
Sit ups

AMRAP in 10 minutes

June 9, 2011

Warm Up:
6 T-Push ups
10 bar swings
High knees
Butt kickers
250m row

Timed mile

WOD:7 push ups
3 deadlift (#225/#155)
7 toes to bar
1x around sm. bld

10 min. AMRAP

June 8, 2011

Warm Up:
1x around running jumprope
T's Y's W's (20 ea.)
Crab walk
10 jumping lunges
20 mount. climbers

Bench Press

WOD:15 Wall Balls (#20/#10)
15 KB Swings (#53/#35)
15 Dips (Rings or 2 boxes)

5 Rounds

June 7, 2011

Warm Up:All with the pvc
10 pass throughs
10 front squats
10 OH squats
Hip openers
Wrist mobilty
Shoulder mobility
10 thrusters

Pull Ups

June 6, 2011

Warm Up:
5 wall squats
lunge to elbow
5 pry squat w/ kb
bear crawl
5 ass to grass

Back Squat

WOD:1x sm. bldg Farmers Walk (#45/#25)
50 Dbl Unders
3 Rounds

June 3, 2011

Warm Up:
High knees
Butt kickers
Side to side
1 knee up jump
All outside 50m each

20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
100m timed between rounds
Must be >2 sec slower than 1st
5 rounds

June 1, 2011

Warm Up:
50 singles
5 burpess
10 jumping squats
15 hollow rocks
15 supermans
10 halos
5 broad jumps
50 double unders
Death by wall ball

WOD:Pull Ups
Box Jumps
KB Snatch (each arm)

May 31, 2011

Warm Up:
6 Med ball cleans
Frog jump
6 downward dog
Duck walk
10 pass throughs

Do when equip. open
-250 row
-2 person tire flip

StrengthPush Press
Stacey's 38th Bday

500m row
20 SDHP (#65/#45)
20 Push Press (#65/#45)
12 SDHP (#65/#45)
12 Push Press (#65/#45)
6 SDHP (#65/#45)
6 Push Press (#65/#45)
150 dbl unders

May 27, 2011

WOD A:Deadlift (#135/#115)
KB Swings (#53/#35)

WOD B:Clean and Jerk
Pull Ups

May 26, 2011

Warm Up:
1x run around before and after below
10 Squat on med ball
10 Ball slams
10 each Med ball catch (w/ partner)
10 jumping squats with med ball

10 Wall Ball
20 Sit Ups
1x around overhead plate carry (#45/#25)

5 Rounds

May 25, 2011

Warm Up:
All with partner
Wheel barrel (length of mat)
Piggy back (length of mat)
Wall ball run 1x (passing back/forth)
Then 1x around running jump rope

3 Power Cleans (heavy 135/95?)
6 Push ups
9 Burpees
10 min AMRAP

May 24, 2011

Warm Up:
5 Wall squat
Inch worm (length of mat)
5 Box jump
Sideways walk
5 Downward dog
Wrist mobility

Strength/Skill:Practice Front Squats w/pvc only

21 Front Squats (#65/#45)
5 Wall Walks (Up and Down=1)
30 V-ups

3 Rounds

May 21, 2011

Warm Up:
Movement review

Strength/Skill:Team Race

"Smoking gun"4 burpee deadlift
3 burpee power clean
2 burpee squat clean
1 burpee clean & jerk (#135/70#)
7 rounds

May 20, 2011

Warm Up:
5 burpees
Bear crawl
Ass to grass
Inch worm

Hollow rock
Box jump 'pogo'
Wall ball x2
Heavy kettle

Tabata Trouble
Wall ball
Hollow rock
Kettle swings
Box jumps

May 19, 2011

Warm Up:
Pry squat
Hip openers on box
5 wall balls
Spiderman walk
Quad stretch on wall

Back Squats (50-60% of their max (don't add weight)

Running Partner "Cindy"
 Partner #1 Runs 2x small blding Partner #2 Does Movements of "Cindy" in that time
The partners will be competing against each other.  The faster they run their partner has less time to complete a round.
They will resume the movement that they left off until they have completed all movements for it to count as a round.

AMRAP in 20 Minutes:

May 18, 2011

Warm Up:
Frog jump
Push up knee to elbow
Kick up to handstand
Med ball cleans

Strength/Skill:Power Snatch

You chose the weight of the dumbell that you to use for the entire WOD

100m suitcase carry LEFT HAND
10 DB swings each hand
100m suitcase carry RIGHT HAND
10 DB swings each hand
100m overhead carry LEFT HAND
10 DB snatch each hand
100m overhead carry RIGHT HAND
10 DB snatch each hand
20 backward lunges each leg(opposite leg, opposite hand).
For Time

May 17, 2011

Warm Up:
Obstacle course
Tire/sandbag fun

Strength/Skill:Double Unders
***If you can already do dbl unders work on something you suck at***

Skill Work

May 16, 2011

Warm Up:
30 Singles
10 T-push ups
10 hollow rocks
10 squats
3x each

Strength/Skill:Pull Ups

100 Db Squat Clean Thrusters
at every 2 min mark run 1x around the small bldg.

May 13, 2011

Warm Up:
Suck List
Work on the movements that you suck at


50 Squats
45 Sit Ups
40 Jump Box
35 Push Ups
30 Burpees
25 Dips
20 Pull Ups
15 Wall Balls
10 lap around sm. bldg
500 m row
25 min cap.

May 12, 2011

Warm Up:
Samson stretch
20 KB around the world
Lunge to elbow

Strength/Skill:Push Ups

WOD:Deadlift (#135/#95)
Push Up

May 11, 2011

Warm Up:
T's,Y's and W's 1x
Crab walk (down/back)
5 Wall ball
10 bar swings
5 Ass to grass
20 med ball twists with partner

Clean & Jerks

WOD:Odd object carry (7 objects) 100m
10 squats on top of every minute

May 10, 2011

Warm Up:
1x around sm. building (running jumprope)
Hip openers on box
10 Pass throughs
10 Snatch PVC


WOD:30 double unders
15 Power snatch

AMRAP in 10

May 9, 2011

Warm Up:
5 Wall squat
Inch worm
5 Box jump
Sideways walk
5 Downward dog
Wrist mobility

Push Press

WOD:10 Front Squats
20 KB Swings
20 Knees to Elbows
10 Push Press
3 Rounds

May 5, 2011

Warm Up:
3 Kick up to HS
10 Pullup bar swing
10 Ass to grass
10 Lunge to elbow
10 frog jumps
2x each


WOD:1x small bldg bumper plate run (#45/#25)
20 lateral jumps over bumper plate (l/r=1)
20 Pull Ups
AMRAP in 20 min

May 4, 2011

Warm Up:
20 Double Unders
10 Pass throughs
20m Bear crawl
10 OH Squats PVC

Overhead Squats

Overhead Squats (#95/#65)
Dbl. Unders

May 3, 2011

Warm Up:
6-1 leg KB deadlift
6 KB lunges
16 KB swings
3x each

We are focusing on squats today

Run 2x small bldg.
50 Sit Ups
25 KB Swings (#53/#35)
5 Rounds

May 2, 2011

Warm Up:
2 Bear Crawls (up/dwn=1)
10 Pass Thrus w/ pvc
10 Good Mornings w/ pvc
10 OHS Squats w/ pvc
2 Rounds

Lunge Stretch
Spine Twist


10 Overhead Walking Lunges w/ bumper plate (#45/#25)
10 Hand Release Push Ups

AMRAP in 10 min

April 28, 2011

25 jumping jacks

10 pushups
10 Situps
10 Squats
10 Mountain Climbers

2 rounds

15 Decline Pushups
15 Dips
15 Thrusters
15 Jump Box
7 rounds, and the best part is at the top of ever minute…do 3 burpees

25 minute cap

April 27, 2011

Official CrossFit Warm Up

Power Snatch (#95/#65)
Pull Ups

New Class Update

For the week of May 3, the 8:00 a.m. class will be on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Then effective May 9, it will be on Monday, Wednesday
and Friday.

April 26, 2011

Taken on 4/19/11

Warm Up/Stretching:
4 Inchworms width of mat (up/down=2)
5 Push ups
10 Squats
15 Mtn. Climbers(slow for stretch L/R=2)
2 Rounds

Floor work for proper handstand positioning
Handstand holds

Kettle bell SDHP (#53/#35)
Jump Box
Push Ups

April 25, 2011

Everyone showing some love for Jess!!!

Warm Up:
Run and jump rope
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Toe Touch
3 rounds (back/forth=1)

Bench Press 3 x 5
(40%, 50%, 60%)

10 Overhead squats (#65/#45)
Run 200 meters
AMRAP in 12 minutes

April 23, 2011

Warm Up:
The Official CrossFit Warm Up

WOD from 
25 Walking lunge steps
20 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
20 Double-unders
25 Ring dips
20 Knees to elbows
30 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
30 Sit-ups
20 Hang squat cleans, 35 pound dumbbells
25 Back extensions
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
3 Rope climb ascents (subsituted)

What is CrossFit?

First, lets get the technical terms used by CrossFit and what they teach as their definition.

“CrossFit is a strength and conditioning system built on constantly varied, if not randomized, functional movements executed at high intensity.”

“CrossFit is a fitness program focused on maximizing 10 areas of fitness. Strength, cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, power, speed, stamina, flexibility, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. In other words, general all-around athleticism.”

CrossFit is a broad and inclusive program encompassing the standards you would expect; weightlifting, body weight exercises, and traditional cardio. However what CrossFit added were sometimes forgotten areas in what we call ‘Globo-Gyms’. Those are Olympic lifting, climbing, throwing, basic tumbling, and gymnastics. It taxes both the aerobic and the anaerobic energy systems. CrossFit focuses on whole body, functional movement patterns that occur in activities of daily living. Core strength is a foundation of the program. CrossFit makes us better general athletes and allows us to specialize outside of the gym, be it on the track, the court, at home or the streets.

Everyone can do CrossFit but CrossFit is not for everyone. Lets be honest, CrossFit is hard work. There is no book reading, no TV watching and definitely no static/isolated exercises in here! The people who thrive in CrossFit are committed to hard work, dedicated to consistency, willing to try without fear of failure, and eager for challenge. Rarely will you do the same workout twice. Routine is our enemy and will lead to mediocrity, complacency, and injury. Now the next part is key; CrossFit is a training program that can be tailored to suit ANYONE and ANY fitness level.

So to sum it up in my words and what I will use to explain CrossFit when asked…

CrossFit is an ever-changing fitness program done at high intensity that prepares us for everyday natural movement that can be scaled to the need of the athlete.

By using constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity, we can improve the physical fitness, or what we call general physical preparedness, in everyone from elite athletes to sedentary office workers and kids to seniors. So now that you know CrossFit is for everyone, why aren't you in here? If you are, why aren't you bringing in everyone you know?!

New Morning Class

FINALLY...starting May 3, AC will be adding the morning class back to the schedule. We will be posting the class time by the end of the week.

For returning members your fee will be due that day.  

April 21st, 2011

Warm up:
Samson stretch
Overhead squat with PVC
Sit ups
Back extension
Pull ups
3 rounds of 10-15 reps of each
Grace (95/65)
30 Clean & Jerks for time

One Year CrossFit Anniversary & Athlete Spotlight - Stacey (with an e) Phillips

Happy one year CrossFit anniversary Stacey and Dave!!!

Name: Stacey Phillips

Nickname: Pain in the ass

How did you hear about Antioch CrossFit? My friend Davida; who belongs to Diablo CrossFit, invited me to attend one of her classes... I was hooked from then, and began to research where they had CrossFit in my area! I got lucky when I realized my son could do Kajukenbo (Karate) while I worked out! It was a win-win situation for me and my family!

How long have you been CrossFitting? One year

What do you like about Antioch CrossFit? The people! Everyone is always so encouraging! The workouts are usually short, but exhausting... The intensity is high and when you’re done you feel a great sense of accomplishment.

What is your favorite WOD/lift/movement? This is difficult, there are so many different workouts I enjoy! I have learned so much! Before CrossFit "lifting" wasn't even a part of my vocabulary!

What is your least favorite WOD/lift/movement?
This is easy... I hate double unders and box jumping!!!!

What are your short term and long term goals? My short term goal is to run a full marathon this year... And long term goal is to master all the difficult exercises that I dislike. (like double unders)

How has CrossFit changed your life? I had the worst personal year in 2010... And if I had not had my CrossFit workouts, and CrossFit family, I might have stayed in bed the entire year feeling sorry for myself. My husband CrossFit also, so when I was down and didn't want to go, my family would encourage me to go with them. And I have made some very close personal friends that share the same interests as my family and I.

What motivates you? Honestly, competition... I am very competitive, and enjoy getting a work out and being able to compete at the same time!

How would you describe the culture of Antioch CrossFit? Like family... Encouraging, helpful, knowledgeable, fun!

Words of advice for new members: Don't EVER get discouraged, you WILL get there if you keep at it! It took me a year to do kip pull ups, and I am STILL working on the dreaded "double unders"! You WILL be sore... Welcome and expect it, this lets you know you are working hard and building the muscles that help you lose fat and feel great about yourself! Don't ever to be afraid to ask the trainers for help with specific exercise and stretches, that is what they are there for! They enjoy helping you get to your best!
April 20th, 2011

Warm up:
Hip openers
Quad/hip flexor stretch
Shoulder mobility

Pull ups

AMRAP in 7 minutes
5 KB/DB snatch
10 Knees to elbows
15 Push ups

What is Paleo?!

I get that question every time I am out with friends and tell them what diet I am on. Here is my condensed version of what Paleo is so next time if someone asks, you'll be able to give them a little insight into your diet.

Paleo is the missing link in your journey to getting the RESULTS you want. Paleo will change everything. Let me simplify it for you. Most people work out 5 times a week at the most; now even if you only eat 3 meals a day with no snacks, you will eat 21 times a week. What will affect your body more? 5 or 21?

Paleo is nothing processed. It comes from the Paleolithic era where the hunter-gatherer had to eat hunted meats and gathered vegetation. There was no bread, sugars and pastas that the modern world has brought us. We are just eating what our ancestors ate and what our bodies are meant to breakdown. So instead of having to waste energy on breaking down processed foods, our body uses the most natural fuel thus giving us more energy and better RESULTS.

Here are the Basics of Paleo do's and don'ts

Green light:

Lean meats (ideally, grass-fed, free-range)



Nuts and seeds

Some fruits (has natural sugars)

Off limits:



Legumes (no peanuts, since they're a legume)

Grains (no corn)

Starch (no potatoes)

The key to it all is to pay attention to how your body feels when you consume each food. Remember this is just a guide. Helpful information is everywhere on the internet.

Here are some links to get you jump started!

There is a plethora of info.

Let me know if you're overwhelmed or need some easy recipes. Remember we are a community and to share our experiences!

April 19th, 2011

Warm up:
All done with medicine ball
1x 50m run
6 deadlifts
1x 50m run
6 squats
1x 50m run
6 wall balls
5 rounds for time
15 Medicine ball cleans
15 Wall balls
Cool down:
All done at slow pace for 25m
High knees
Side to side x2
Hip open/close
Lunge to elbow
Great job everyone!

April 18th, 2011

Warm up:
1 minute jump rope
50m running jump rope
20m frog jump
20m bear crawl
Kettlebell snatch
3 rounds for time
1x Around small building
50 Push ups
1x Around small building
50 Sit ups
1x Around small building
50 Squats
1x Around small building
50 Supermans
Make sure to post times to comments!

March 31, 2011

Warm Up:
Sprint length of the small bldg.
Width 1 - Side to Side
Width 2 - Karaoke
3 Rounds

WOD from
70 Burpees
60 Sit Ups
50 KB Swings, 1.5 Pood
40 Pull Ups
30 Handstand Push Ups

March 30, 2011

Warm Up:
2x sm. bldg.

5 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
15 Squats
3 Rounds

Skill:  30 sec L-Sit

WOD 1:
Double Unders
Sit Ups


WOD 2:
400 m Lunge

March 29, 2011

Warm Up:
2 min. Double Under Practice

5 Push Ups
10 OHS w/Jump Rope
20 Mountain Climbers
2 Rounds



2X sm. bldg
10 Pull Ups
15 Thrusters (#65/#45)

AMRAP in 20 min.

March 21, 2011


KB SDHP (#53/#35)
KB Swings
KB Squat
1-2-3-4-5 Ladder

What is CrossFit?

I have watched this video several times...Want to know what CrossFit is? Just watch!

March 17, 2011

Warm Up:
4 minutes of Jump Rope

5 DB Thrusters (#25/#15)
10 V-Ups
15 Supermans
20 Single Arm DB Swings
25 Dips
1x around sm. bldg.

10 Rounds

March 16, 2011

Warm Up:
Jumping Jacks
High Knees
Run In Place
3 minutes
Lots of shoulder stretching

CrossFit Open Week One WOD
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches (Ground to Overhead)
AMRAP in 10 minutes

March 15, 2011

Warm Up:
5 Push Ups
10 Mountain Climbers
15 Good Mornings
3 Rounds

10 Wall Ball
10 Pull Ups

7 Rounds

March 14, 2011

Warm Up:
5 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
15 Squats
Jumping Jacks
3 Rounds

"Bench Press

5 High Hang Power Cleans 95/65
10 Ring Dips
25 Double Unders
5 Rounds

March 11, 2011

Warm Up:
4 min. Jump Rope

OH Plate Lunges
Jump Squats
Run sm. bldg between each set

March 10, 2011

Warm Up:
50 Jumping Jacks
5 Inch Worms
10 Sit Ups
15 Squats
2 Rounds

Single Arms DB Snatch (#45/#25)
Knees to Elbows
Push Ups

March 9, 2011

Warm Up:
2 min jump rope
5 Push Ups
10 Pistols
15 Pass Throughs
2 Rounds

15 Ring Push Ups
15 MB Cleans (#20/#10)
15 KB Swings (#53/#35)
15 Dbl. Unders
4 Rounds

March 8, 2011

Warm Up:
5 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
15 Squats
3 Rounds

"Back Squat

Wall Ball
Knees to Elbows
Push ups
Reps for time

March 7, 2011

Warm Up:
2 min jump rope
5 Pas Throughs w/ pvc
10 OHS w/pvc
2 Rounds

2x Sm. Bldg
30 Box Jumps
30 Wall Ball
5 Rounds

March 4, 2011

Warm Up:
1/2 mile run


Tabata "OMG"

Push Ups
BB Rows
Ring Dips

March 3, 2011

Battle marks from learning double unders!! 

Warm Up:
4 min Jump Rope

"Filthy Fifty"

50 Box jump
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

For Time

March 2, 2011

Some of the ladies from Antioch CrossFit!!

Warm Up:

4 minutes Jump Rope - Practice your double unders!!!

10 Wall Ball (#20/#10)
10 Around the World (#45/#25)

4 Rounds

March 1, 2011

March Madness Burpee Challenge!!

The burpees must be completed at the gym and must be counted by your team member or trainer :)  You have until the 31st  to complete the challenge. 

Warm Up:
5 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
15 Squats

3 Rounds

25 Double Unders
20 Step Lunges
15 Push Ups (release at the bottom and top)

4 Rounds

January 4, 2011

"Back To Basics"

5 Pushups
10 Situps
15 Air Squats
AMRAP 20 minutes